

Exhibition at centre Materia (Quebec city, QC).

From March 10th to May 14th of 2023.

Michel Saulnier’s Lièvres, ours et corneilles exhibition takes us into his approach as a sculptor, which begins in the intimate atmosphere of the workshop. The wildlife that accompanied our childhood tales fills the space of the gallery and offers us a poetic environment that touches on the marvelous. Metamorphosis, which sometimes goes as far as hybridity, rubs shoulders with playfulness, even when the sculptures we contemplate are larger than us. Lièves, Ours et Corneilles also highlights the hidden aspect of the artist's work, where one can see the genesis of public artworks, some of which are monumental.

For more information, please see the exhibition’s page on centre Materia’s website :


Click here to download the exhibition's booklet, graciously offered by Centre Materia.

Opening reception on Friday March 10th, 2023. Photos : Guy Langevin

The artist Michel Saulnier presenting his works.

Photos : Guy Langevin